Our modern gods demand our unrelenting narcissism. We are constantly called to sacrifice our dignity upon the altar of the almighty algorithm, simply for the mundane purpose of selling advertising. To be a successful artist one must be constantly posting – to blog, to tweet, to stream, etc. – regardless of whether we have anything meaningful to say. I personally take umbrage with this approach, as I don’t find it productive to discuss my work unless work is actually being done. That said, perhaps my reluctance is counter-productive, as being entirely silent creates a black hole from which my music cannot escape. Therefore, I will strive to be a little less absent from the discussion, while hoping to strike a balance between crass promotion and the mystery of the creative process.
To wit, there have been some significant movements of late with my work with UFO Death Cult. Over the last few years I have been hard at work studying the process of production and mixing, with the aim to improve upon some of my previous recordings, which to my ears have sonically never lived up to the musical ideas contained within. With these newly developing skills as a recording engineer and a significant investment in new computers, software, amps, and effects, I have re-tracked and remixed my 2015 release, Erased.
Erased was… difficult to make. Its impetus was in the untimely death of my dear friend Daniel Guidry, the only musical soulmate I have ever known. I hoped to make the record that he and I never got to make – a task that was perhaps too arduous to attempt alone. Inspired by the maximalist approach of King Crimson’s Thrak, Strapping Young Lad’s City, and Ornette Coleman’s Free Jazz, Erased essentially comprised of two bands playing interlocking and conflicting parts. two synchronized drumsets, layers of guitars (standard and microtonal), tons of synths, samples, effects, and (my first attempt at) vocals pushed the track count well over seventy. While I was confident in the concept, at the time my meager equipment and skills as a recording engineer could not do it justice. This re-mix seeks to rectify those errors.
I hope that this newly re-mixed recording sheds some light on these songs which had previously been lost in the murk. I hope that this can reach new ears, and reach those forgiving minds that will give it a second chance. And I hope that Danny approves of the work I have done in his name, wherever he is.